KADK / 2nd semester / 2018

The main focus for me, was to create a structure that affects the nature it is situated in as little as possible and for the facility to facilitate some of the nature events that were already happening in the area, like beekeeping and hiking.

I chose to split the facility up into three separate buildings, an exhibition building, an administration building and a kitchen building, nestled in between the trees. By placing the structures like this, no trees would have to be cut down and it created an open courtyard in the center. Being surrounded by trees, you would hopefully get the feeling of stumbling upon something hidden when you first get to the facility and a sense of safety when you’re in it.

My hope was, that the layout of the facility would invite you to explore the entire area and to instice learning, especially about the importance of nature conservation and -sanctuaries, but also about the flora and fauna of the area, which could be communicated through workshops on locally sourced food.